

The banana knowledge compendium

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Musapedia was an effort to tap into the vast collective knowledge on the banana and to make sense of it through concise and clearly written texts.
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Featured page - Tropical race 4 (TR4)

Fusarium Wilt Race1

Tropical race 4 (TR4) is the name of the fungal strain that causes Fusarium wilt in Cavendish bananas. It emerged in southeast Asia and spread to the Middle East,  Mozambique in Africa and Colombia in the Americas. In 2019, a taxonomic revision included TR4 as part of a new species, Fusarium odoratissimum.

How well do you know the banana?

How was the banana domesticated?

What is the scientific name of the banana?

Which group of bananas is rich in precursors of vitamin A?

What is a banana mat?

Which country is the largest producer of bananas?

Which part of the banana plant is called sucker?

What is the natural range of wild bananas?

What is a checklist of banana cultivars?

Are Plantains a type of banana?

How do scientists classify banana cultivars?

Most popular page - The morphology of the banana plant

Cross Section Of Healthy Pseudostem AV Web The banana is a tree-like perennial herb. It is an herb because the fruit-bearing stem dies down after the growing season. It is a perennial because suckers, shoots arising from lateral buds on the rhizome, take over and develop into fruit-bearing stems. What looks like a trunk is in fact a pseudostem formed by tightly packed leaf sheaths.

Featured image

Musa Acuminata Ssp. Banksii JulieSardos

Musa acuminata ssp. banksii is one of the wild bananas whose genetic signature is found in edible bananas, especially those from the New Guinea area.

Throughout the website, banana refers to both the sweet types that are eaten raw and the starchy ones that are cooked. Find out why we don't say banana and plantain.